The future of health
technology is maker led.
The democratization of medical prototyping
is one of the most important forces in healthcare.
We empower frontline clinicians who have a relentless
imagination to help their patients.
Our story
We began as scientists
at MIT pioneering ways
to create tools for
overlooked innovators in
clinical settings.

Spurred by support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Anna Young and Jose Gomez-Marquez created the MakerNurse research project to uncover patterns of what we now call health making amongst American nurses.
During this time, we designed and inaugurated the first medical makerspace in America as a pilot for our dreams of democratizing medical innovation. Over time, we would multiple these sites.
Launching MakerHealth
As more and more hospitals reached out to participate in MakerNurse and expand the tools and methods to other types of clinicians we spun off MakerHealth as a company that can serve hospitals across disciplines.
Today we work with systems using on site and off site tools that are bringing the medical maker revolution back.

23 Drydock Ave, Boston, MA 02210
(617) 299-0434