Get in touch

Lab in a Box Delivered with Remote One-one-One Active Design Sessions

We enroll your hospital in a Create Cloud membership

Your clinicians set up a teleprototyping consult

We on-board them into Create as a Health Maker

Our Create App generates a construction kit for their first experiment

We iterate on the experiments generating construction kits

You launch and deploy using our Diffusion Lab

We continuously onboard clinicians and generate their construction kits for additional experiments

Learn more about Create Cloud and how to get started /

We Install & Operate a MakerHealth Medical Makerspace in Your Hospital

We enroll your hospital in a Create Cloud Lab membership

We identify a MakerHealth facility with your onsite team

We deploy our Fabrication Modules and install your new MakerHealth Space

We install a permanent onsite team member to manage operations, experiments, and medical making

We iterate on the experiments generating construction kits

You launch and deploy using our Diffusion Lab

We continuously onboard clinicians and generate their construction kits for additional experiments

Ready for a MakerHealth Space? Learn more how we can make it happen.